Last night I had a blind date with a beautiful woman. When the check came, she said

Am I right in refusing her offer? When should I let her pay? How will I know that her intention to pay is genuine?
--- George
chamki said...
chamki said...
yes you are right in refusing because men at most times are ugly creatures whom women bare. Also they dont talk enough, sit silent for long pauses and have an attention span of not more than 16 secs unless its sports.
yes you are right in refusing
because men at most times are ugly creatures whom women bare. Also they dont talk enough, sit silent for long pauses and have an attention span of not more than 16 secs unless its sports.
Thanks for your honest Chamki. Keep the advice coming!
I say that it is okay to refuse her offer, unless she continues to say, "No, really, I want to pay." I like it when the guy pays, but I am always prepared to pay my share. If a woman is presistant she may be offended if you don't take her offer.
Honestly, when I go on a date I always have enough money with me to pay. I will offer to pay or at least contribute, but I do that solely as a courtesy. Even though it seems like a double standard (which I hate because I really do believe that men and women are equals) I expect the man to pay, no matter how much I insist.
Of course, please remember that this is my own personal outlook on things and there might just be a woman out there that would be offended if you didn't let her pay. That woman, however, is not me.
Your date was genuine... and likely secretly happy that you were a "gentleman" and payed. I'm certain she wasn't offended. I like to offer to pay, too - for me it's a way of letting the guy know I'm not expecting him to pay because I'm independent, want to be fair, and don't mind contributing. However, let's be honest. It is nice when the guy pays (and I think I offended a recent date when I insisted on paying my half).
I ALWAYS offer to pay. In fact I have no idea who these women are who EXPECT that a guy should pay for dinner after all this EQUALITY talk and such :) Most of the time if I ask a guy out I prepare to pay for his and mine, if he asks me out I come prepared to pay for mine. I live in New York City and it's expensive here. I know how much it is for me to take just ME out, I wouldn't want to put that burden on someone else, or miss out on spending time with someone who micht be really cool and just not have enough to cover both of us.
I should also note that when a guy pays for me, I am so very appreciative, even more appreciative when he makes sure I got home safe, holds the door, tells me I am funny or pretty (and means it) and calls me the next day. It really is the little things.
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