I often hear women say "my mother is beautiful." It's touching that a daughter feels that for her mother, but I always feel there's a subtle hidden message to this statement.
Note: I think there's more to every statement made by women but that's another issue.

Any advice on the female mind would be appreciated.
I wouldn't know because I never refer to my mother as beautiful. But I used to refer to my grandmother that way. I think it mostly refers to inner beauty, because my grandmother, although attractive for her age, was 90 when she passed away. But she never looked more beautiful to me. I loved every wrinkle and age spot. It's the love shining through, I believe. (My mom and I don't have a great relationship, so maybe that's why I don't feel the same about her.) Why do we say this to a guy? Hmmmm....not sure about that. In fact, I don't know if I've ever said it to a guy, (just girlfriends) so I'm no help there!
I have had a lot of guy friends in my life. A lot of them have mentioned that they alway like to see a picture or meet someones mom, before they get too involved. They think that if a girls mom is hot at their age, the girl will retain her "hotness" when she gets to be that age. So a girl saying that their mom is beautiful, could pertain to her trying to convince a guy that she will always be beautiful. I dought if she is saying this on purpose, but subconciously, I think this might be part of the agenda.
same as dru suprisingly everything is just the same
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